Sunday, February 7, 2010

part 2 of meeting DH, the abbreviated edition

So since I never did the second half of meeting my DH and I figured my blog could use a nice happy entry! You can see the first half here .

So after that first night we talked the next day and he came back over that evening, I think he might have seen the kids for the first time that night (who were not very fond of him, they were shy) and after they went to bed we watched a movie and helld hands for the first time. (Aww) He also asked if he could kiss me, which I thought it was funny how funny he asked and told him no (I'm mean and a B* like that sometimes!). The next day he took me out for ice cream, Monday. By that Friday we were falling in love. By the next weekend he asked me to marry him. We kept it quiet at first for another month or so and then go the ring. I was pregnant by the end of the following February with J. We found out we were pregnant the night of the twins second birthday party. We were then married the following July (so right after our second anniversary of meeting).


Becky said...

Hey! I posted because of your comments. I got what you were saying. Even though the formula feeding moms say they aren't defensive, they obviously are when they can't read what you and I wrote without attacking or getting upset. I got what you were saying and just tried to 'drive it home' with what I said. Its exactly how I feel.
((hugs)) to you and sorry you were attacked. I just wanted to let you know that I totally understood what yo uwere saying.