Monday, April 27, 2009


Well, it was in the 90's today, yes, in April! Today was just a boring Monday. I did have a first happen today. A friend called me for breastfeeding advice. She had a preemie and is having latch problems. I told her some stuff, mostly to stick with it, which she is going to (YAY!!). It was nice to have someone trust me to ask about something that they feel I am doing successfully. Well, successfully, I have had almost 18 months of practice!

I go back to the doctor tomorrow after my bronchitis and sinus infection. I am a little nervous, my throat is still really sore and I am still really stuffy. But I am not sure what they will do since I am breastfeeding and not only TTC but in the 2WW (two week wait, time after ovulating until a ;) BFP, big fat positive, or :( your period). So we are kind of limited for drugs and one doctor wanted to refer me to a surgeon for my tonsils and adenoids but there is no way I am doing that!

Cristian also randomly got the fever today. They said he didn't eat well in school, ate great last night though, and then tonight he fell asleep before dinner and then wouldn't eat. After a bout 20 minutes of tylenol, he was starving! We will see what tomorrow brings!